Most people know about this account, this is a sweet set of illustrations.
LM was spit on by a cop. An egregious assault and abuse indeed !!
Happy Lunar New Year!
AIO for getting upset from my wife’s response to my question?
“Letters To L” Documentary casting call on BACKSTAGE
How dare they? Innocent until proven guilty!!
LM was spit on by a cop. What an egregious assault and abuse!!
People need to stop putting LM on a pedestal
BEWARE: “misskris306” has changed her username to “mangi10684” and is making even more false claims. Please do not engage with her.
I don’t see it.
SF Officer being “honored for identifying LM”…. Receives “officer of the month”
Love for LM in Thailand
Justice Dept. Is Said to Discuss Dropping Case Against Eric Adams
MMW : There was no McDonald's tipster. They followed LM from NY to PA with illegal surveillance tech (probably owned by musk). They made up story to deny the "snitch" their reward money so there was no paper trail on the fake tipster.
Dave Franco says “anyone who has [his] phone number” has been texting him about playing [LM] in a project: “I've never received more texts in my life about anything.”
Dave Franco says “anyone who has [his] phone number” has been texting him about playing Luigi Mangione in a project: “I've never received more texts in my life about anything.”
hostel guy feature similarities with LM
Appreciation to everyone who continues to fight for LM
Hey yalll!!! Found a journal board on tiktok with LM’s photos and book recs from his goodreads
His angriest face
Just silly speculation: What outfit do you guys think will LM wear for his next appearance?
I love seeing the daily posts from this account!
Is this a mishandling of evidence
How I like to imagine he spends his nights
Interesting article on the defense team
LM’s round table of Reddit lawyers