AITAH for not offering my mom my college savings after she secretly spent mine to pay for my stepbrother's?
Am I (28f) socially awkward or or AITAH?
Explain why human beings are so selfish and shit heads?
AITA for Moving Out Against My Parents' Wishes?
AIO for wanting hospital records
TLDR; AITAH for doubting this relationship?
Am I ass hole to say no to mom and sis
AITA-Am i the asshole for not being comfortable with touch? (WE R IN HIGHSCHOOL)
AITAH for asking what I want out of a relationship?
Rushed in ans got the plan
AITA for not comforting and possibly victim blaming my friend after she regretted her first kiss at a club?
AITA for not wanting to help my mom plan my sister's wedding after how she treated me during mine?
AIO for hating this girl
AITAH for asking the guy I am talking to if he has talked to my bestfriend recently?
AITA for insisting my friend should warn me about her online BF staying over?
AITA for using my boyfriend for money
How do you act around girlbsf ?
AITA for refusing to apologise to an ex friend?
Aita for taking my friends cat
Advice for Food
What to do if she cancelled a few hours before the date?
Am I the asshole for pushing an old man?
WIBTA if I didn’t want my little brother to live with me