My Bali experience after 10 years
What are some things that are completely normal in Australia which isn’t normal anywhere else?
What is your biggest regret in life?
Hit by something stupid
What's something that foreign visitors complain about that virtually no one raised in Australia ever would?
Bush Doofs
Do people just have all their doors in their house open now?
What should I ask my boyfriend to bring me back from Australia (to US)?
What’s one thing that is frowned upon in your country?
what popular beauty routine do you wish people would STOP talking about?
Do you block the "unders"?
Why does my kitten sleep and lie in plant pots??
Hanging flag off balcony
How do you know if windows are strong enough for those pet hammocks?
How are you?
Nicknames for your cats… First one is Mama Pasta and second one is Shithead.
What Are Some Alternatives to Therapy When You Can’t Afford It?
If you are driving to the hospital in an emergency, and police tried to pull you over, do you stop?
Boyfriend won’t hold my hand during an IUD insertion - AITA?
Can someone help me identify if this coin is worth anything ? Found in an old collection from my grandfather.
Cats won't drink from new fountain
My tuxedo is going in for bladder surgery today
Two men and a dog trapped as the Palisades fire surrounds their home in California
An allergy notification card I received on one of the busiest nights in December.