PWS BDE 556 finally came!
Suppressor questions
6.5 PRC Build Help
Trijicon Huron 3-9
boyfriend m19, is upset with me f18, for falling asleep otp
My 1000y/HD Rig! Zero scope-bite bonus!!
How do you align your plate screws?
New rifle
Can i wear cowboy hats and boots if im chinese?
If you were starting fresh or just coming into the market now what would you be starting your CCW EDC with?
New rifle recommendation
Coyote ar
Buffer tubes
I work for, AMA.
"I smurf your peak" is cringe
When I was in Istanbul, I saw a small child swallow a pelican whole
As good a deal as you can get boys
Is black cherry a “girly” color
This has to be the worst quest ever.
First pitch of the new car tarp - not bad! (Don’t worry, that guy line isn’t in the fire)
Which would you choose?
Just got the 43x. Best trigger to swap? Any other upgrades recommendations? Holster recommendations?