Somewhere near Fossil - there's a park with clear drinking water that's been tapped and flows nonstop. Do you know what it is called?
[Request] is there some distance from a nuclear explosion at which all frozen pizzas in supermarkets would end up perfectly cooked? If so, how far is that?
Is it true that during a nuclear explosion there is a radius at which all the frozen supermarket pizzas are cooked to perfection? If so, how far is that?
Why didn't Jesus Christ want to go to the acupuncturist?
Sexual predator becomes the prey
Who are the best modern anti-capitalist philosophers?
What's the greatest guitar solo of all time?
Who could permanently fix global warming the fastest - Superman vs Dr. Manhattan
Invent a power that can only be pure good
What did Paul Tillich mean by calling Freud, Nietzsche, and Marx the three greatest Protestants of the last 100 years?
Give me a Death-Based Superpower that isn't just insta-death
New York goes 5 days without a shooting
Carrying the pup up the mountain
Some people desperate to get laid
How to determine the orientations of things during restoration?
Oh how this game tempts me
Has Zizek written about the freedom of speech/technocracy stuff going on in the United States right now?
Is it a bad idea to desalinate water and full up drying/dead lakes and/or rivers?
Critical theory about space travel and capital in space?
Cultured sense of humor
A world prophecy predicting a possible doomsday. The characters try to save the world but almost fail, because the original language of the prophecy doesn't have capital letters.
It’s about love, not destruction, a film about the Vietnam War and what we can do about it
On Gandalf the Grey
What’s an urban legend you know that’s actually true?
Who gets sexul when getting high?