We should bring buying physical media back (CD, DVD, etc)
The dialogue in the Star Wars prequels is good
What are men doing in the bathroom beyond five to ten minutes?
What is the dumbest headline you've seen?
Do you shower in the morning or when you go to sleep? And why?
Actual rural America starter pack
What is with the seemingly comeback with derogatory terms like the "N" and "R" words?
What is with the seemingly increase in racism?
If people made the first move on me
If OnlyFans existed at the time, which Golden Age of Hollywood celebrities would have used it?
If Meech did robocalls professionally as her career choice
What have you just had enough of?
I accidentally sent a wrong text and felt embarrassed
I unfollowed a Twitch streamer in protest...
What is a cringe thing you saw a teen do?
You just left work pissed off. What’s the first song you put on in the car as you’re leaving to go home.
What shouldn’t be said to kids?
Who is the worst comedian to ever make it big?
Snowbirds, what goes on when you are retreating to the warm during winter?
North Dakota waitress catches boomer stealing her tips.
What was your technology "oops"?
Who’s the worst actor to ever make it big?
Why can't people use headphones with electronics in public?
What is the worst reply to "I'm pregnant, I don't know who the father is"?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?