F to pay respect to our fallen mod
If i don't delete this post within a week, i'm dead.
Ouija, do you like waffles?
Rest in Peace u/Pirated-Hentai
Petah why is the bowl spicy?
Praise u/Rostingu2 for bettering this hellhole of a sub
Raiding is bad(v2)
Donald Trump, more like Donald _______.
Spread the word!!!!
Come on guys, spread the word
Petition for r/AskOuija to also ban all ____.com links
OMG! Trump bought Canada and renamed it to __________
Particular depth 4841 has been on a quest... and they’ve discovered the waffles!
O.U.I.J.A. is an acronym that stands for _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Banned Post: Inciting A Brigade
The full number of Pi is actually ____
You know what to do
Please stop talking about the Fortnite sub
Guys stop with the lets raid x sub. That violates tos
AMA, In a low mood again so just ask me anything and I’ll respond honestly.
Who should I add as a moderator of /r/AskOuija?