Derek C is ending his friendships with people who voted for Trump after being called a slur at a bar
CT and Catalina are still together and remade their public debut while celebrating her 40th bday in Vegas
CT and his wife Catalina are still together and remade their public debut while celebrating her 40th birthday in Vegas
Kaycee and Nany have broken up 💔
CT and Bananas are headed to Vegas
People thinking they broke up, this was tonight on Tiktok
Theo Campbell and his child
UNSPOILED - Episode Discussion Thread - S40E21 - Battle of the Eras - Reunion Special Part 2
Michelle saying who is the most overrate challenger has confirmed a suspicion. S40E20
Did Nany and Kaycee break up? Nany unfollowed Kaycee on Tiktok and she’s almost completely wiped out her Instagram content
Emily & Olivia Enjoy an Early Morning Hike 🌄
CT on his recent girlfriend - "None of it was true and I was quick to judge something I didn't understand."
CT exposing his ex after she cheated on him
Laurel says Horacio would FaceTime her every day for 2 hours after season 39
Laurel tried to make a romance happen with Josh
Olivia on The Death, Taxes and Bananas Podcast
Salty Saturday & Sunday - Unpopular Opinion Thread 🍿
Horacio responds to Laurel
Laurel says her & Horacio “already did,” Horacio never told Nurys & lied to her, Nurys brags about hooking up w Chris Brown 24/7
Olivia tweets about season 40 for the first time since episode 1
Olivia & Michelle are BFFs???!
Bananas chucked out Theo & Olivia’s belongings & messed with their sleep
Bananas has a crush on Olivia?
UNSPOILED - Live Episode Thread - S40E11 - Battle of the Eras - Payback Era
Extended preview of episode 11 season 40