What is this thing?
Why do my offspeads have such low spin?
How does one improve the spin rate of their off-speed pitches?
gun to your head what’s a college you would NEVER attend?
Men's Basketball Win!
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think the see-through glass challenges are funny
Are Youtube Channels and Insta Pages counted as Extracurriculars
Do you guys think I will get into University of South Carolina
Is the snowball formal any good?
What do y’all think about Occidental College in Los Angeles?
Chance Me!
I love the show but this one thing eats at me: everyone they prank is told about it afterword for TV release purposes. It feels like this takes the sting/awkwardness out of the pranks knowing that their stunts are eventually socially justified.
I made a college simulator so you don’t have to rely on chanceme
Tez Johnson weighed in at 156 pounds at 5’8
Stumbled upon this cool little spot some of you might find interesting, it’s a small pocket underneath Cumberland Falls
How tall do you think that massive guy Joe had to convince to meet him in the bathroom was? (S2 E8)
Which punishment felt the most “fake”, staged or inauthentic to you?
What’s your favorite season of the show?
Why are there so many black people in Tumbleweed?
I just tried to draw Arthur
Got my acceptance goodies in the mail today!
“No war stories for you fellers…”
600 to 800 in a month
Should I bother waiting for Case if I got UT or Purdue?
I don’t know why but I find Conan’s impression of the Jokers absolutely hilarious