On this day, February 1, 1948, Palestinian terrorists, driven by British deserters, blew up the Jewish Palestine Post printing house (Later to be known as The Jerusalem Post, up to this day). Murdering 4 and injuring additional 16
“I Was Hounded, Day In, Day Out” - Alice Nderitu, the U.N.’s former special adviser on the prevention of genocide, on her contentious tenure. An AIR MAIL exclusive
How do people survive in Israel?
Israel's Iron Beam set for deployment this year
This day, January 29, in 2004, Palestinian suicide bomber detonated an explosive belt on Egged bus #19 in Jerusalem. 11 civilians were murdered with 44 additional wounded
This day, January 29, in 2004, Palestinian suicide bomber detonated an explosive belt on Egged bus #19 in Jerusalem. 11 civilians were murdered with 44 additional wounded [1500x998]
Amit Soussana, who was held captive by Hamas in Gaza, describes some of the horrors of captivity (Aired on Uvda channel 12 Israel, link to full source in comments)
A new chapter begins for the Nabweye Village - They celebrate their first tap of clean water | Innovation: Africa
A new chapter begins for the Nabweye Village - They celebrate their first tap of clean water | Innovation: Africa (Israeli nonprofit)