I don’t want to be in a sexless marriage.
Please please just DARE ME to quit my addiction
Gift for teenager who just started baking bread!
Do you take the day off for your kids birthday?
anyone else get the vibe collins not super into baylen??
I spat out my water 😂
She has to be acting… right?
“You should have longer hours”
Baylen parents
genuinely curious
Not good at this, what can I make at home that's cheap so I don't feel the need to spend 20 on a meal
Chickens legs cooked with red cabbage: never again
Is it wrong for a woman to refuse an abortion for an unplanned pregnancy if her committed partner adamantly doesn't want to be a father?
“and when I woke up you were my mommy”
Should I report a friend who has a bedbug and nice infestation?
Meth issues - terrible symptoms only after very little dose?
A mild rant about eating
Do you voluntary work overtime?? How do you push yourself to do it??
What should I do differently?
Drug addiction turned alcoholism
WTF is this
Close friend claims Jasmine has suffered multiple instances of physical abuse by her new boyfriend Matt
Updating my resume! I’m done being miserable at work!
No Boundaries!
Why do you think she is faking?