When are you having the most fun playing PTCGP?
Type your deck name in the comments, everyone else has to guess what pokemon you use
Trade offer!
Looking for Mamoswine ⭐️
You seeing this?
Using Cynthia on Garchomp EX
Why is Borderlands 3 the black sheep of the family?
ISO Name: Blonde, Female DJ Always in Sweatpants
When is it a good time to stop pulling for Triumphant Light?
need help dealing with Celebi Ex Leafeon Ex Serperior deck
Trade Request
What unpopular ptcgp opinion would have you fighting for your life in the comments?
15 deck slots is a joke
Any idea what this means? I got an email saying I got into Rutgers New Brunswick, but it wont say which major. I had originally applied as an econ major
Can't wait to start complaining about it when it's released
Wolfe’s winning team
An analysis of the final moments of EUIC 2025
Does anyone know what this card slot does?
Looking for good restaurant recommendations in South Jersey?
Anyone know how to get up there?
Poor sweet Swinub
Worst godpack ever?
So is Mismagius totally useless? Is there some deck where she stands out?
C. Castro tweeted this out and I spotted this. What do y'all think?!
Me and my BF are ready for the new pack