Favorite album with a horse on the cover?
Have you listened this Nightwish song?
Who is your favorite female metal singer/musician?
We are a quarter of the way through 2025. What’s your choice for album of the year?
What is the most elitist metalbands?
Bands you would like to see release a new album that most likely won't?
Ylilauta ahdistaa
Auri on Instagram: "The final step in preparing ‘Auri lll’ for its journey into the world (known as ‘Mastering’) is done. This was beautifully realised by our great friend Tim Oliver at Real World Studios in Wiltshire. Our first album was mixed by Tim in this hallowed sonic temple, so it was lovely.
Europe vs United States of America which win?
The Best Metal Bassist in your opinion?, Mine : Butler Geezer
Nightwish Tuomas Tarja interview 20.5.1998 (Subtitles in English and Portuguese)
Listening to symphonic metal? Who are you favourites? For me it is Haggard. Discovered them in 1999-2000, before Therion, Nightwish, etc, and still in my top 10 comfort listening bands.
Weirdest ways metal bands have gotten mainstream exposure?
This song is so sick
Which band was like this for you?
we all know some horrible people in metal bands, who are some of the nicest folks in the metal community?
Hello Kai
Nightwish - The Weave (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)
Fuck it. I'll bite the bullet. Best Black Album
Best Orange album?
Give me your best unorthodox metal collabs
currently working on a blue album playlist (with max 4 songs per album), give me your fav blue albums 💪
How Science and Heavy Metal Came Together