Happy New Year ,with best wishes
Romance anime recommendations ?
What is the scariest thing about being a woman ?
What will you guys eat on Christmas next week?
Recommend the best Christmas movies , I’m in the mood?
Serious question,why people interpret Islam wrong?
Average Ancient Egyptian Civilization
Why did you do that ?
What do you like about culture?
I’m overrating my life ?
What languages do you speak?For now I know 4 languages,and try to learn Chinese?
My friends (we both are girls) makes her cry,and sad ,he is not a bad guy,but just stupid,should the break up?
MAC manger for 6yrs. Ask me anything!
What is not normal!?
What you can eat all the time?
How accurate genetic testing is ?
What new did you learn today?
What sports do you guys like?
11 year old cousins, assemble!
What did your parents tell you as a child what was a complete lie?
Why we need to loose our youth in studying?Isnt there any other way ?
Whom do you hate ?Why,what did they do?
What food do u like ,Why?
What's the most mind-blowing fact you know that sounds fake but is actually true?
Why are you live ?