How da hell does $998 million go to Somalia? You can basically buy the whole country… Discuss?
More powerful than TAYTAY… dum dum dum
Here we go again 🤮
Who sold what to who? Conspiracy?? Who is the real villain? Nvidia or Deep?
Guam Nightlife is actual trash
PLOT THICKENS … Did he help CCP?
Available now on Amazon 🤮
Why is Harvard still siding with CCP? (taken from /fuckccp)
Amazon giving green cards & Laying off 14,000 Managers? Conspiracy to F the American people?
Is it a good idea to invest all my life savings into Nvidia?
insanity 🔥
Why couldn’t we just go back to the good ole days… Make iphones , Get Rich? why all this he kill / she kill / we kill bs?
Animal trials for Open Ai Vaccine by Oracle
Trump is cryogenic hitler
We got scam guys… Get rid of Covid Shots they said… Introduce a Nanobot Ai mRNA Vaccine instead.
Vote Democrat, they said… wtf
Che’lu in Murika !
$12.99 for toy chairs… le’che
Tooo Funny 😄
Who do I look like
This is real Conspiracy… Lets discuss
Cocktail Party