Panther8.8 recommendations
What to buy for bonds?
Which of following tank destroyers you like the most and why.?
Random thought about the tiers in the game and how i would rebalance most vehicles in the game
Onslaught Market
Honest question, how do you play through tier 8 these days and keep your sanity?
Filip Antosiak, a 19-year-old Polish man, died defending Ukraine (source @24hoursofukraine)
Is bond turbo worth it?
What would you personally change about the game if you had the chance?
Favorite tank so far. what is yours?
What is your opinion on the M6A2E1?
My fuzzy arms
50 Level grind a bit too much for 2 weeks BattlePass?
Can you trade in multiple tanks for one tank of your choice?
książka która pomoże poradzić sobie ze śmiercią
How does the progetto 46 compare to the pantera?
Worst Black Market Ever!
Auction 1 of 6 tanks
K-91-2 is quite good actually
What is your opinion of the whole auction?
Onslaught Rant
Todays auction, Personal mission campaign orders (4+4), 50 000 items 4000 Gold MB
At which Tier using Gold ammo and better Equipment
Raven: From the stash offer