My face-face when the supposedly Slaanesh vs. Elves DLC will be Slaanesh vs. Skaven
Is it a good time to come back to the game?
Zombie/infected books that have an interesting origin of the virus/plague
Alien horror
I'm really afraid to start reading Fulgrim
Was it all just a bad dream?
Space Marine 2: Post-Launch Overview
Traitor Legion Customization
It is offically 7 days until early release, 12 days until delayed release, BROTHERS!
Similar games to BG3
About similar games to Baldurs Gate 3
One thing about Chaos Gods and Tyranids that I don't understand
TOD didn't sell well (Great Book of Grudges rumor)
Total War: WARHAMMER III - Hotfix 5.0.2
Looking for games with exinstetial threat, where almost everything is lost
Game not letting me connect to my friends, keeps showing this issue
You're out of your mind CA