What's Your LEAST Favorite Thing About Baldur's Gate 3?
Least favorite character?
Who is your favorite character and why?
Which NPC do you wish was playable/romanceable?
Get Shadowheart to save her parents without persuasion?
"That escalated quickly" moments . . .
Confused on recruiting Minthara in a good run
Seizure during sex
C.ai wrapped?
What is something you do that makes you laugh everytime?
What is one choice you have never made in any playthrough?
Do you romance according to your sexuality?
What are your insane must do's?
Multiclassing to a wizard
What were your biggest “mistakes” ever.
Anyone still considers going back to school despite poor memory?
Baldur’s Gate Timeline
Who would you pick for a extra companion?
How to keep Markus/Connor alive?
What robes do you guys like to put on Gale?
What's your favorite class?
Hey guys, what's your opinion on Gale? Do you like him?
Is it just me or does Lae'zal have a soft spot for Gale?
what "thing" can you never do?
Cleric/Wizard multiclass?