Interface (2015 ATS
Who is the Greatest White Male Singer of All Time Based on Their Lyrics,Singing and Why?
Non Jam Bands that were adopted by the scene
Songs that mention the Rolling Stones by name
Who is he refering to in 'Flying or Crying'?
What is Dylan's most straight forward song, lyrically?
Jason and Sadler
What other artists are in your top 5 other than Bruce?
Which Country Stars have a naturally deep voice?
Your top three saxophonists that aren't Parker, Coltrane, or Adderley?
Name a Jason song using only emojis. We will try to guess it.
Name a Led Zeppelin song in emojis and I’ll try to guess it
Boys From Oklahoma Presale
If there was a modern day highwaymen, who would you want to be in the group?
Similar artists?
What is one of your favorite bands aside from QOTSA
What's this groups consensus?
What is your dream amp?
Sea Hear Now Setlist
Real Life Examples of Isbell Lyrics?
What are the most gut wrenching, depressing, breakdown inducing songs you know?
Go It Alone guitar tone
I'm buying this, can't wait to watch it
What are your “always on” pedals? And why?
Personal Bruce's Album Tier List