Best gift ever
Lake Blanche, near SLC
Getting my foot in the door in L&D
Salt Lake City winter trails
50 miler recommendations
Tell me about your special interests atm (:
More ghosts
Brush Buddy from Witch Hat! Also my first art doll
Mizora, by me, 2024. Wet felted art doll composed of Navajo Churro fleece, merino wool,and resin eyes
Mizora, by me, 2024. Wet felted art doll composed of Navajo Churro fleece, merino wool and resin eyes.
Mizori, by me, 2024. Wet felted art doll composed of Navajo churro fleece, merino wool and resin eyes
Mizora, by me 2024. Wool Art Doll composed of Navajo churro fleece, resin eyes
What first triggered your rosacea to start?
Grog, by me. Felted art doll made of Icelandic fleece and wool. Resin and polymer clay eyes.
Grog, by me. Felted art doll composed of Icelandic fleece and wool, resin and polymer eyes.
No name, by me. Felted, free-standing art doll composed of Navajo Churro fleece, merino and Icelandic wool and resin eyes, claws and hooves.
Abbondanza, losbadhombres(me), Digital 3D, 2023
No name, by me. Felted wall art composed of Navajo Churro fleece, merino and Icelandic wool and resin eyes and claws. Assembled on a 3D copper frame.
No name, by me. Free standing art doll comprised of Navajo Churro fleece, merino and Icelandic wool, and resin eyes, claws and hooves.
No name, by me. Felted art composed of Navajo Churro fleece, merino and Icelandic wool and resin accents.
No name, by self. Felted free-standing art doll composed of Navajo Churro fleece, merino and Icelandic wool, and resin eyes, claws and hooves.
Tell me what you see
No name, by [self]. Felted free-standing art doll composed of Navajo Churro fleece, merino and Icelandic wool, and resin eyes, claws and hooves.
[Self] Few creatures from my American Monsters art project: Loveland Frogman, Fresho Nightcrawlers, Chupacabra, Lizardman from SC
Equifinality by R. Keller (self), wool and resin, 967x512