What is Your Favorite Song and Why?
Mac's top 10 tracks of all time - Day 3 2009 chosen as the 2nd best
Is it crazy to say this?
Album with the best drumming?
Looking for similar music to the new BCNR era
Can anyone recommend me good long songs please?
No Grammy for Idles
Give Me A Rap Album to Listen to
What’s the best live album/live performance that you know?
Songs with a melancholic vibe
Here's all my all time favorites, do any of you have some recommendations of albums I'd like?
Music thats somewhat depressive/melancholic that feels like "got the bad ending". (see songs listed for a better idea)
Xiu Xiu on Instagram - "Goodbye for Good"
What is your 2015 AOTY
my current topster (15yo) vs the one when i was 13
What are some of the loneliest songs you've ever heard?
Best three-album runs of all time?
What’s your favorite prog rock album/EP?
What genres/categories to explore to listen to while working (documents), considering I probably have ADHD?
Looking for songs that give gothic novel vibes.
Are there any other bands or musicians who are as perfect as radiohead?
Give me your best non-english songs!!
What’s a song that makes you feel insane?
Peggy speaking FAX
What is the best album of 1993?