Recommendation from y'all...
Edens Zero
(Spoilers) Which scene/event in an AVN broke you emotionally?
Dia de los muertos
Do you prefer Pre-named or Custom named MCs?
Decide to replay the whole game but... toe socks with slippers on a hot evening? WTF Chang?
M'biggest problem with Eternum
Someone clarify me about this please, are they back on YT + posting on Rumble? I'm no Patreon members so idk about anything.
99% Of The Players
My highest last season
I need some advice.
So... Ummm... Howww do i express this question?.. Hmmm...
Have you ever dropped an AVN for a petty reason?
If you had to pick one.. do you visually prefer HoneySelect or DAZ models?
Pandora's Actor... kinda cancellable
Anyone else like Eternum 0.7 more than 0.8
When playing through an AVN for the first time, what do you use to guide your choices?
Soy sauce
recent AVNs you’ve been enjoying?
What kind of things cause someone to become self-centered as they develop?
Weird personal phenomenal i guess?
Man she's gorgeous (Alex from Eternum)
Ok... Is this considered as a plot twist? (Growing Things Up by King)
Have the quality of new AVNS dropped lately? Or have certain devs just set the bar so high?
Waiting for you to join in........the discord.