Is it easy to learn Mongolian on your own?
What country is this?? (wrong answers only)
ПрезидентКА, премьер-министрША, директорША и иные феминитивы
What is this country? (correct answers only)
In your opinion, which was the best South Park meme?
Rate it (BTW, I'm native speaker)
What country is this? Wrong answers only
The Analy I m HomE
Young generation chooses Alexander Lukashenko
Who is he (only wrong answers)
Republic of Gothia in 2018 - What if the Goths locked the fuck in and survived to the modern day?
Who do you think will win these elections in Belarus?
"Vote for me, if you want to live": 2016 but Arnold Schwarzenegger is able to run.
Name this Place (Wrong Answers Only)
Rate my Greece
Guess the country from the outline part 2
I completed the game
Flag of Usa
Керемет 😘
Flag of 'brat' but in a different timeline where the USSR won the Cold War
Атырау облысында "емші" 9 жасар қыздың ішінен шайтан шығарамын деп қызды әбден қинаған
What would happen in this world?
If Belarus was replaced with Rhodesia
Elections in Ukraine 2010 & Novorossiya province