Just did the stupidest shit ever
Imagine being this upset because someone is forming their own group instead of joining yours
To all my fellow lvl 60 rogues sitting in LFG for 8 hours
My LVL 56 Priest Just Died :'(
Hardcore isn't for everyone i suppose
Sorry mages – someone had to do something.
HR Culture Hate
Genuine question: Can someone please explain why it isn't (legally) possible for Blizzard to shut down gold selling websites? It feels like a better solution than banning individual bots, isnt it?
Alienware Laptop Operations
FINALLY!! Our dream just came true
Never Played WoW, is Classic for me?
Why Warriors dont want to tank
Build question…..teach me like I’m 5….Glass Cannon
Does your life feel like a quest?
Aaron Keener is not a hero. No one should worship or trust this mass murderer, narcissistic, bioterrorist. He has committed so many crimes I honestly lost count.
Would you want to play as a rogue agent?
With Division 2 going more and more into MMO/forced coop territory - Do you think D3 will be less welcoming for solo players?
What is something realistic that Massive could do to bring people back or keep people playing Div2?
Question about which server to start as a returning EU player
Season 2. Why not make it a toggle like global events? or new mode that strips character like descent does?
Now that SF has been out for a while, what is your preferred HC style?
Best Gaming Experience after years.
Should I have taken the high road?
Simple Hardcore Hunter Guide: Do the opposite of everything that you are about to see in this video
How do you pick your groups?