If I died, the guy I like wouldn’t care
My guy friend called my dog his soulmate
Heartbreak is a cause of insomnia for me
I think my crush likes my friend and I’m really sad about it
Do you sometimes mirror people’s gestures?
Flowers he got me a few months ago for my birthday. But now I’m worried he likes a mutual friend
Flowers he gave me only a few months ago. Now, I fear he may like a mutual friend
24F My crush didn’t like my text in the group chat but he liked someone else’s
Why do I always fall for men that act like “little boys”?
I resent the fact that my family comes from a humble background
I called my friend a bitch when talking to my mom (because I’m threatened by this friend), and now I feel like a terrible person
My mom probably thinks I’m a bad person
A woman in her mid twenties marries a man in a Middle Eastern country. She tries to return home, but she’s unable to. How is this possible?
Traumatizing the guy that told me I “gave off virgin vibes”
What does my guy friend see in me?
Does the term “black widow” (for marriage) exist in Russian?
Flowers my guy friend for me
Flowers my guy friend got for me
What are some Russian tv shows that accurately depict what it’s like to live in Russia?
Do young children often use public transportation to schools (alone)?
Ruqaya's sister behaviour
How did Ruqaya manage to be a part of the popular gang?
I thought he liked me and now I don’t know if he does or not
I invited my entire class for a get together. The guy I like is coming. But so is a girl that I’m worried he likes
Roses my guy friend gave me for my birthday