A moment of silence for those who said a moment of silence for those who sold
When should I invest in XRP
Proof, you need a cold wallet
12% Jump
Where do you store your crypto?
1000 xrp
A lotta people prayed for this
Friendly advice
Bye bye paper hands
When will XRP explode like everyone has been saying?
Market Order for 1000 XRP
When Lambo?
Holders with 10K+ XRP and up Salute
Good time to buy?
Even far-fetched scenarios: What could jeopardize XRP's growth trajectory? Let's Discuss
Is buying XRP at $3 worth it?
If XRP goes to $100, what would you do with it?
The math on $10,000/XRP
This is the last I believe drop.
5 x XRP
My wife told me to stop obsessing.
Did Robinhood just rip me off??
I sold I cried I tried...
Citation Brass shower valve parts??