You're lying if you say you love this stage
He relapsed and I think I’m done
Words that trigger you now
Do you actually Sleep when baby sleeps??
Is it normal for intercourse to be a little painful at first PP?
Newborn Screams During Every Diaper and Outfit Change.What Are We Doing Wrong?
Do babies need a special kind of water for formula?
What was the roughest patch in your marriage and did you overcome it?
I used to have reoccurring dreams me and my brother in law would fuck and I would pleasure myself afterwards…
Do preemie baby's fart more?
Should I get an abortion
I don’t understand men and never will.
The porn he watches is concerning
What are/were your top frustrations?
I exclusively formula feed, and I refuse to feel bad about it.
Tips for babies that always want to be carried
I hate my postpartum body.
Baby problems no one prepared me for
I have dreams me and my brother in law have sex and I pleasure myself afterwards..
I have dreams me and my brother in law have sex and I pleasure myself afterwards…