Liquid butter went all over manager (USA)
Other than selling plasma...
Destruction of identity
Why do people choose to withdraw records over excommunication?
Someone died in the temple, sort of.
Any full time jobs hiring?
Church leaders keep advising me to drop a restraining order
Does anyone still feel uncomfortable being around alcohol/smoking/parties?
License Plates
Just curious, Did anyone's leaving spark from TikTok?
Girlfriend and I scared of bipolar
My girlfriend has bipolar and we're both scared
Is anyone here a substitute for NEISD?
What does "yun pa talaga" mean?
Question about Missionary phones and other electronics
More dead pets and wildlife on the highway lately?
Sacrament prayer
Want to be a ham radio operator?
Putting future address on K1 application?
I hate technology
Ward Size
For those who have been banned from any of the faithful subreddits: What’d you do?
Do Mormon missionaries generally offer to text you the details to "church" nowadays?
Book of Mormon Video Game