A series that was a 10/10 from beginning to end?
Need help
How do you guys deal with stress/depression?
What advice would you give your 21 yr old self?
Nishoot shot ama😭😂
I know what women want.
What’s something that helps take your mind off stress/depression?
Between slitting your wrist and overdose which one would get the work done ASAP?
NASA just released the clearest view of Mars ever. (sound of Mars)
What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learnt this year?
What is one mistake you will never make again in your life?
What do you do when you at your lowest?
How’re you doing doing mentally?
What’s your mental status?
What has this year taught you?
What’s one thing in life you regret not doing more of as a teeneger?
Whats one thing in life you regret not doing more of as a teeneger?
What movie do you think everyone should watch at least once in their lifetime?
How is life currently treating you?
If you could answer the question "How are you?" Unfiltered, what would you say?
Men, are you doing any better than your dad when he was your age?
Overwhelmed Firstborn PT 2