Even though BO6 Zombies Loadouts has a bunch of optic attachments is anyone else just an iron sights enjoyer?
What are your thoughts on the new/returning Perk Vulture Aid, what Augments do you equip and why?
As a WAW Zombies player I can confidently say that I really like the ability to upgrade your Melee Weapon with the Arsenal Machine and Pack a Punch Machine!
Since BO6 Zombies DLC 1 is coming out tomorrow I thought I’d ask before our first new Perk releases. What order do you buy your Perk-A-Colas every game and why?
So rumors have spread that Kevin Sherwood (The guitarist on the map specific Easter Egg songs) will be producing music for the BO6 Zombies soundtrack again for this title so I thought I’d ask. What’s your favorite Zombies Map Specific Easter Egg song and why?
What will you be grinding for during BO6 Zombies lifecycle? Master Prestige, Easter Egg/Super Easter Egg Rewards,Perk/Field/Ammo Augments,Weapons Mastery Camos or just good old high rounds?
BO6 Zombies Gobblegum system will allow for specific Gobblegums to be purchased at certain times in specific quantities with CODpoints or microtransactions in a menu shop outside of the match. Do you feel like this is better or worse than BO4 and BO3’s “roulette/gambling” system?
So BO3 Zombies introduced Gobblegums which allowed the player to have more than 4 Perks without the use of Easter Eggs by chewing Gobblegums, but if you didn’t use either in a game. Which 4 Perks would you drink every game and why?
Since Cold War Zombies lets the player drink every perk on the map every game I thought I’d ask the sub this question. What order do you buy your perks in every game and why?
Since there is a BO4 Zombies resurgence in the sub right now I thought I’d ask. Jason Blundell said in an interview that he changed the Perk System in BO4 so everyone would use a different set every game. What 4 Perks do you run each game?
How to Unlock the DLC Weapons in the Armory For Free on BO4Zombies
Walmart vs Best Buy vs Target: Physical Copy Section for Movies in 2024
What’s the best Apartment Complex in Lawrence?
Really good underrated sparkings that don't get enough love. Who's your favorite?
Piccadilly Campaign Mission Bug on Xbox
Shout out to Artzy for the Spore camo strategy. Also I’m on Xbox one and I’ve been unable to prestige the Bowie knife since launch. Anyone know how to fix this glitch?
I’m not playing blood of the dead for a very long time
Who else is Prestiging there weapons in Black ops 4 zombies and not getting the Clan Tag or the kill Counter?
Does prestiging in Zombies rest gun levels?
Prestige mode progress
Issue With Nebulium Plasma
Weapon Prestige Questions
Weapon prestige Glitch
Question about Quick revive’s mechanics