Can I like… LEARN to be funny? Is that possible?
Are guys only friends with girls who they find attractive?
As a certified black viewer, stop acting like she’s was a reformed Ku Klux Klan bigot
My first passport! (US)
Anyone know what to do about a not loading captcha?
Anyone know what to do when u keep getting this
Romance movies with emotional damage?
Why did bite on fire shut down in Al khoudh?
Are you comfortable eating in a restaurant alone?
What is the point?
Name an anime character that can do this
Anime where the DUB never fails?
Anyone investing in ZAQISTAN?
If you don’t have a college degree, what’s one skill that helped you land a good job?
Boom. It’s 3pm. Aliens have trap you in a coffee shop…
Guy told me he included me in his dua that I won’t find a man until I say yes
What are your opinions on the samurai of Naruto?
I am a trans woman. Im willing to answer the questions you wouldn’t dare ask trans people you know IRL. AMA
“One-liner” pickup lines ONLY work on people whose eyes already YES’d you
24m - if I like your answer I’ll respond
How do you know when you’re using someone or being used?