Xena-Hercules verse Strongest Characters
- Uranus, Gaea
- Kronos
- Michael, Dahak, Zeus, The Titans: Atlas, Crius, Theia, Helios, Selene, Eos, Prometheus, Hyperion, Leto, Mnemosyne, Oceanus, Porphyrion, Pronoea, Rhea, Tethys
- Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Mephistopheles
- Hercules, The Sovereign, Athena, Ares, Callisto, Velasca, Evander
- Hestia, Proteus
- Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Nemesis, Morrigan
- Loki
- Hermes, Celesta
- Triton
- Calliope, Terpsichore, Norn, Fortune
- Aphrodite, Discord, Strife, Cupid, Deimos, The Furies: Alecto, Magaera, Tisiphone
- Stregna
- The Destroyer, Bliss, Fatuus, Psyche, Momus
- Morpheus, The Fates: Atropos, Megaera, Tisiphone
- Cyane I, Hope, Alti, The Enforcer I and II
- Xena, Najara, Ilainus
- Jett, Iolus, Gabrielle, Eve, Ephiny, Autolycus
- Julius Caesar, Thanatos of Nemea, Zeno, Tara
- Joxer, Salmoneus, Meg