Best Gaming Experience after years.

I started playing WoW when Classic was released.

2 days before the release date I got a weird ad on facebook and I was like, sure why not?

Playing WoW classic all way they to level 35 or something without any addons, just exploring the world and reading every quest, keeping notes etc was by far the best gaming experience I've ever had.

TBC was when I got into raiding, which was not my cup of tea and ever since then I was hoping for a memory reset so I could experience WoW classic for the very first time again.

Hardcore managed to get as close as it could possibly get. My warrior is level 26 and even know I have a lot more knowledge for the game, the fact that every single fight might be my last, the game is super immersive again.

Taking it slow, making sure im ready for each fight etc has changed the way I play the game and I love it.

The only bad thing is that at some point I'll die and then I'll think about killing myself.

EDIT: I died.

EDIT 2: I went for a risky pull(with charge) cause up until that point I never came really close to die so I got too comfortable.

I thought even if I chain pulled it would be 3 gnolls in Wetlands (they were level 23-25 I was level 26. Retaliation up, plenty of grenades and pots I would be fine since I had pulled even 4 just a couple of minutes ago. It was close but not too close. I ended up chain pulling 3 and one of them pulling a camp as well. FUCK. I thought “ok hamstring the closest one and the run, don’t just panic so instead of running right away I try to hamstring”, hamstring MISSES, got dazed instantly, of a sudden I have 7 mobs on me. I throw a stun grenade but one of the shitty ones with just 1 sec stun, already at 200 hp I pot go up to like 600 but it was too late, to make things even worse I didn’t have a dummie because I was blacksmith until a couple of levels ago so all I could do was run. But I already knew that I was dead since I was still dazed…

I had no (fear shout/ don’t remember the name) because it was 75 silver and I thought too myself, “I can delay this, I’m going great until now, I’m not gonna need it” hahahaha what an idiot. I still think I would have died since I had more mobs on me than I could fear but still…It still hurts being an idiot.

Saddest part was letting know the priest I met level 15 that I died and we were inseparable. But he had joined a DM run while I was offline so thank god he wasn’t with me because I would be ashamed of myself if I killed him.

“My friend my journey is over, take care” I said.

“Nooo” he replied.

I went out for drinks with a girl that night, to destruct myself, we had beers, she was beautiful and things were going very well. After the drinks she asked me if I wanted to continue to her house.

“No, I have to wake up early tomorrow” I replied.

Lies. I wanted to start levelling my gnome warrior.