Augmentation Evokers are the biggest lie of this season.

90% of the Augs that I have encountered only do their basic rotation and that's it.

As a healer, I can see their cooldowns, and they are not using them. The only thing they do is give buffs that are already in their main rotation.

And even so, when compared to having a regular dps, you just lose a lot of overall damage done. I've compared my 12 runs and you lose approximately 500k-1m overall dps by having an Aug, depending on how bad they are.

But even with all of that considered, most of them managed to clear 11s very easily and are at 2700 m+ score simply by being carried by the other 2 dps. However, when in a 12 key, I've missed timing a couple of dungeon runs with Augs even when the run was going smoothly. Then, after a glance on the overall damage done, the reason became very clear.

Have you had better experience with them than I did?