Sugar Maple dinning table
A friend of mine was the contractor building a house on a lakeshore. They had to clear the lot of a few huge sugar maples. The home owner is kind of a tree hugger type, and he really didn't want those trees to go to waste.
So my friend asked me to help. We took the trees to be milled and kiln dried. Dried, this wood was heavy. And dense, I've cut into concrete that was softer than this material.
Afterwards I made a 109"x46"x2.75" dinning table. That was maximum size we could get out of the lumber. Clear epoxy in the voids. 7 planks with 2 breadboard ends. (Yes I did capture the end gain. Yeah yeah, I know Cardinal rule and all. Rookies don't try this at home.) We estimate that this table weighs about 550lbs.
We made matching stair treads from the same trees. These are floating treads that can be seen from below. For some reason I don't have pictures of them finished.
Then finally as a surprise house warming gift, I made a charcuterie board. The customer likes to bake and host so I figured this would be a good talking point for him.