A male friend just told me there is something wrong with you if you don’t want a kid. I am really upset
He said that “everyone should want to have kids and it’s messed up that our world is so messed up people don’t want kids” ook… but also said that “there is no point in living if you don’t have a kid” “what is the point then? What’s the point if you don’t have a kid?” “what are you going to do when you’re older just hang out with friends?” “Everyone should get therapy so they can have kids and be good parents” and “the reason you don’t want kids is because you’re parents fucked you up/you’re damaged” (and not bc I simply just don’t want kids)
This man also is “woke” and spend a lot of time on women TikTok
I told him to post his thought on social media and he won’t so I’m doing it here. He said a lot of women would agree with him.
I said he was actually hurting me by suggesting I am not enough of a reason to live. I said I have never wanted a kid even when I was a kid. I don’t want to be pregnant or give birth or have a 24/7 extremely hard responsibility the rest of my life bc people are telling me to. I have a dog I love more than anything and even he is too much. I am barely functioning as is. And then I have people saying this shit that makes me feel horrible. I truly do not relate to wanting kids or thinking you’re worth is tied to kids but people are hell bent on telling you otherwise.
He talked over my explanation and said it must be because my parents weren’t good enough and I saw that and it made me not want a kid. Ignoring my actual reasoning. He cannot comprehend simply not wanting a kid.
I am angry and hurt. This is a long term friend I consider smart and value his thoughts. When he says things like this I get so fucking mad and think I never want to talk to him again. Idk how to deal with what I’m feeling