Book Advice

In short, I am deliberating whether I should read the Witcher books or not and would like some thoughts and advice.

I adore the games, particularly The Witcher 3 and have been playing it consistently since launch. I love the world and lore it has built and love being immersed in it. I also enjoyed the TV show although to a far lesser degree.

I love reading and enjoy a lot of fantasy books too. So it stands to reason that I should read the Witcher books. However, being brutally honest, I had never heard of the books until getting into the games so I worry that they might not be all that strong. Furthermore I’ve had bad experiences with translated books in the past as sometimes a lot is lost in that process.

I hate wasting time on bad books so what is everyone’s verdict? Do the books stand up to others in the genre such as The Way of Kings, GoT, LotR etc.