[JP] Interrview with creator of Shironagasu Island in which he explains how the game launch went behind the scenes, talks about how he went into debt to finish the game

Here's the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=socIrrwyIiI

Not exactly a new one but I found it quite interesting how he disclosed his numbers with total honesty.

It's interesting because we're talking about a game that by all rights should've been a total success considering the crowdfunding campaign managed to earn more than 25 million yen, and managed to sell relatively well on Steam, but apparently the physical merchandise as well as the Seiyuu rates were just way too expensive.

In hindsight there might have been a bunch of beginner mistakes such as maybe hiring top tier Seiyuu for a doujin game or having too many physical goods that skyrocketed the shipping costs but still, watching the numbers it's kind of a miracle some crowdfunding campaigns were able to see the light of day.

He explains how even taking into account game sales and crowdfunding earnings he ended up with 2 million yen in debt. Good thing is that he managed to get a deal with Kadokawa to novelize his game after the interview, so that's another revenue stream: https://nitter.net/ONIMUSHI_HYOGO/status/1691028619219619841#m

It's kind of interesting to see behind the scenes into what it takes to make a Visual Novel nowadays. If this is what a success story looks like then brother, I don't even want to see what failure means.

You can buy the game here, it's translated to English also: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1156990/Return_to_Shironagasu_Island