How much would you spend on an indie toy?

Hey everyone!

I’m an independent artist currently working on designing a 12” vinyl art toy that I’m really excited about. I’ve spoken with a manufacturer, and while the production quality is going to be top-notch, I’ve learned that producing vinyl toys at this size can be pretty expensive, especially for smaller indie creators like myself.

I’m planning to run pre-orders to help cover the costs of manufacturing and want to ensure that I price it fairly, but also reasonably for collectors and fans of art toys.

Since this is my first time releasing a toy like this, I wanted to ask the community:

How much would you be willing to spend on a high-quality, limited-run, indie vinyl art toy (12 inches tall)?
and would you trust pre-ordering from an indie designer?

Also, if anyone here has launched this way before, or has any other advice, please let me know!