I was sold counterfeit shoes that somehow passed verification and Vinted didn’t do anything
Hi, I bought a pair of shoes on Vinted with item verification. Once I took a look at it I noticed they were counterfeit and sent them back. I selected the issue “the item was different than described”. I wrote at the very start of the issue details that the shoes are counterfeit. On their way back they go to the verification team. This time, they didn’t pass the verification. I instantly (literally within 20 mins of me getting the message) contacted the support and told them that that is the same shoe I got to begin with. It is obviously not a different pair. Then they said they started an “investigation”. I had to text them myself a day or two later to ask them to cancel the transaction (again!) and they told me it was too late. The buyer literally blocked me as well btw. I was told the only thing I could do is talk to the buyer. I think my only actual option left is to open a PayPal case, but I wanted to see if someone has an idea for what else I could do. I know that they will probably ban me (won’t they?). I don’t really want that but I did also spend a lot of money and I want it back. Any help would be highly appreciated. I live in Germany btw.
Hi, I bought a pair of shoes on Vinted with item verification. Once I took a look at it I noticed they were counterfeit and sent them back. I selected the issue “the item was different than described”. I wrote at the very start of the issue details that the shoes are counterfeit. On their way back they go to the verification team. This time, they didn’t pass the verification. I instantly (literally within 20 mins of me getting the message) contacted the support and told them that that is the same shoe I got to begin with. It is obviously not a different pair. Then they said they started an “investigation”. I had to text them myself a day or two later to ask them to cancel the transaction (again!) and they told me it was too late. The buyer literally blocked me as well btw. I was told the only thing I could do is talk to the buyer. I think my only actual option left is to open a PayPal case, but I wanted to see if someone has an idea for what else I could do. I know that they will probably ban me (won’t they?). I don’t really want that but I did also spend a lot of money and I want it back. Any help would be highly appreciated. I live in Germany btw.