Looking for book or article about unions being given big perks as a tactic to use against them during planned closures that sent work overseas.

Years ago someone told me that U.S. Steelworkers president I.W. Abel wrote a book talking about the time right before everything really started shifting overseas. Basically, the gist was that when they would go into negotiations, the bosses suddenly started saying yes to absolutely everything. Their outrageous, padded first proposals would be accepted immediately instead of negotiated down. Things they only threw in as bargaining chips were accepted without discussion.

He came to realize that this was their tactic. They already knew they were sending the work overseas. Giving in to every single thing the union proposed was their way of shifting blame. They'd pay higher benefits for a year or so, close, and blame it on the greedy union. It helped turn members of the public against the union rather than the company that outsourced their jobs.

I have looked everywhere, but I can't find this book or anything similar. Maybe the person who told me about it got the labor leader mixed up? Does this ring any bells for anyone? Anyone know of any books or articles about this strategy being used?