Help from Romania

Please come to Romania, we’re more than happy to help. Lots of houses and apartments available throughout the country, we’ll look after you.

➡️ What kind of identity document do I need in order to be able to enter Romania? You can come to the Border Crossing Point with any type of identity document (passport, national identity document, birth certificate, etc.).

➡️What can I do if I don’t have a valid ID with me, or if I don’t have an ID that could normally be used in order to cross the border? Given the situation in Ukraine, the provisions of the Schengen Borders Code for humanitarian situations (art. 5) may be applicable, and thus it may be possible to cross the border on the declared identity option, with subsequent verification.

➡️ What documents do I need in order to enter Romania with my child? What if I don't have them? The provisions regarding minors (approval from both parents, etc.) only apply to Romanian citizens and only on the way out of Romania. It would be advisable to have some sort of identity document for the child.

➡️ How can I apply for asylum at the border and in what form (verbal / written)? What should happen after I make this verbal request? The competent authorities for receiving an asylum application are: 1. the structures of the General Inspectorate for Immigration; 2. the structures of the Romanian Border Police; 3. the police units within which detention and pre-trial detention centers are set up and operate; 4. the structures of the National Administration of Penitentiaries within the Ministry of Justice. The asylum application can be submitted by any foreigner located on the Romanian territory or at a border crossing point. Applications from outside the territory of Romania will not be accepted. A person is considered an asylum seeker from the moment of manifestation of will, expressed in written form or orally, before the competent authorities, from which it should result that he / she requests the protection of the Romanian state. The asylum seeker will receive an asylum application form which can be filled in by the asylum seeker with the support of the official or by the official designated to receive the application, in case the asylum seeker does not know how to write, according to his oral statements. The standard form can be completed in the applicant's mother tongue.

➡️ What do I do if I am denied entry to Romania after I have applied for asylum? No one shall be denied access to the asylum procedure, even if they have not fulfilled all the conditions for entry. However, in case the right to apply for asylum is denied by the authorities, please contact us at +40 730 073 170.

➡️ Will I be offered temporary accommodation near the border? Am I forced to stay there? If you apply for asylum in Romania, you have the right to be accommodated in one of the Regional Procedures and Accommodation Centers for Asylum Seekers. However, if you have accommodation elsewhere, you must make a request to the General Inspectorate for Immigration (GII) to leave the area where you entered Romania. The Regional Procedures and Accommodation Centers are located in: Bucharest, Timisoara, Giurgiu, Maramures, Radauti and Galati.

➡️ What rights do I have as an asylum seeker? Do I get a phone? Internet? Food? Accommodation? Asylum seekers have, inter alia, the following rights: a) The right to be informed about their rights and obligations and the asylum procedure b) The right to confidentiality c) The right to be issued a temporary identity document, valid during the asylum procedure d) The right to participate in cultural orientation activities e) The right to be accommodated in the Procedures and Accommodation Centers for Asylum Seekers subordinated to the General Inspectorate for Immigration. f) The right to receive free primary care and appropriate treatment, emergency hospital care, and free medical care and treatment in cases of acute or chronic life-threatening illness g) The right to be included in the national public health programs aimed at the prevention, surveillance and control of communicable diseases, in situations of epidemiological risk; h) The right of asylum seekers with special needs to receive adequate medical care; i) The right to receive access to the labor market under the conditions provided by law for Romanian citizens, after the expiration of a period of 3 months from the date of submission of the asylum application. Also, the asylum seekers benefit from financial aid from the Romanian state, in the amount of 15 RON / person / day.

➡️ Who can I call if I have questions about the asylum procedure in Romania? Romanian National Council for Refugees - asylum hotline - +40 721 206 926

➡️ What happens after I apply for asylum? You will have to submit all the documents you have at your disposal that are relevant to your personal situation, as well as the document you used in order to cross the state border, and you will receive the temporary identity document for asylum seekers, issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration. You will be scheduled by the General Inspectorate for Immigration for a preliminary interview and a second interview to determine a form of protection. You will receive information on the date and time of each of the interviews. It is important to attend the two interviews, to present all the evidence you have, and to answer all the questions honestly. Everything you say is confidential. Interviews are completed in the presence of a General Inspectorate for Immigration official and a translator. The translation will be done in a language you know or are reasonably expected to know. You can request the participation of a CNRR legal advisor or UNHCR representative in the interview! During the asylum procedure you have the right to remain on the territory of Romania and you are protected against expulsion, extradition, forced return from the border or from the territory of the Romanian state.

➡️ What is the situation of those who are not Ukrainian citizens and who want to apply for asylum in Romania? The same procedure applies as for Ukrainians; both for entering the territory as a migrant and as an Asylum Seeker.

Edit: You can also find free accommodation and food here