ASHP aesthetics?

Hi all, as we get towards a final decision on a heat pump install, which I’ll add I am personally very keen on moving forwards with, there are some in the household who are put off by the heat pump ‘look’. Now I get that they aren’t the most stunning things to look at, but neither do the looks put me off, I just suppose it’s each to their own!

I’m trying to ensure that this doesn’t become a blocker as there are far greater reasons to get a heat pump so want to have some solutions for this. How have people who may have thought the same / had the same battle dealt with it? Plants around it? Screening / covers (but then having to be really careful about not restricting air flow)? I’m also curious if people have gone the vinyl wrap route and blended it against the background? I do quite like the idea of this.

It’s worth mentioning that the heat pump would be located along the back wall of the house on the patio and next to a side alley we use to store bits for use in the garden, so it would need to be something not too bulky as we will still need to access here. And yes, I’ve already used the argument only we will see it when we are in the garden for a few months of the year :-)

Some thoughts from those of you who have done anything would be really appreciated, thank you.