The Band's DVD Commentaries
I’ve been a fan for about 20 years by this point, watched countless of interviews including post-TON with either Johnny or Kenny (or both) and I was so depressed yesterday, I’ve literally wasted (Peter would agree if you know what I mean, haha!) the entire Saturday going over live shows, interviews I’ve seen years ago and reading blogs about Peter and the band. I obviously watched their DVDs but never realized they had commentary as well.
For some uninitiated fans, the DVDs in question are After Dark and Sympathy for the Devil. I would revive older threads just to talk about it, but they're years old and figured it's worth a new thread instead.
If they weren’t funny already, these commentaries were the best, funniest and most therapeutic 3 hours I’ve ever had in my entire life! It’s like in another universe, the band retired and reminisced about their careers while making stupendous jokes from left to right. It actually felt like you were sitting with them “examining” the DVDs and I wished they never ended. “Tears of joy” would be an understatement. If you want quick peaks to what I mean, please refer yourselves to Sympathy for the Devil’s timestamps at 9:44 (just the thought of it makes me laugh) and 1:02:40.