3+ years TRT user, switched to injections, first blood test in 6 months, frustrated at high e2.
Hey guys,
So i've been using TRT for about 3 years, was on the compounded cream. One thing I realized is I aromotize extremely fast on the cream, and almost went bald from the DHT conversion -> of the cream.
I'm injecting myself now, from twice a week to now once everyday, as micro injections felt way better. Lately i've been feeling like trash, I took a day break and did HCG the day before. Basically meaning Tuesday I injected normally, Wednesday took hcg, Thursday had a break and took blood test.
My results are pretty shit. I'm in Canada but basically the Ratio is 12:1 T to E. I've attached my results.
I'm pretty much taking 120-140 mg a week, subq/intra (shoulder) once a week. But my T levels don't seem that high at all (i've reached extremely high before on just the cream).
I'm at lost at what to do.