18yo trying to be a Security Guard
Hi everyone. I'm 18 and am looking to become a security guard. I completed the basic training, ministry exam and am now waiting on receiving the license. I also have the Emergency First Aid level C and did the Smart Serve certification to help stand out. I would love to get the Use of Force done but it's over $150 (can't afford) and I hear online that companies only like it if you do it with their preferred provider.
I just need help from people who have more wisdom than myself to offer advice on how to secure my first job. It seems like every company needs someone with at least 1 year of experience.
I'm tall and have a pretty good physique, which should help with the deterring aspect of observe, deter, record, report. This along with two seasonal jobs during high school involving customer service and communication skills are what lead me to pursue security.
If anyone has any advice, I would definitely appreciate it. Regardless, thank you for reading.