The T down by 75%!!
So, I realized I had the T about 9months ago and let me tell you it’s not the best thing to hear or experience but I like to believe I got it from having AirPods on all the time. And this was in my right ear. I consistently had it on 24/7 and slept with them and I like to believe that’s how got it from excess moisture and what not. I did end up also having ear infections on both ears at the time. Went to a clinic to get them checked and they said I had was so they started cleaning them and a lady just ended up pushing the wax further. I got anxiety from it because how muffled my ear was. I tried to get an ENT appointment and it was a long wait. Eventually my primary doctor got me one sooner than I thought. Went into ENT days later and got both my ears cleaned and they also did a hearing test which I passed. But somehow the ringing on my right ear lingered… that was the scary part. Couldn’t sleep at nights at all. Had to put some white noise to help me sleep, even my primary gave me gabapentin to sleep. But it’s still difficult to sleep. I managed to learn how to accept the ringing and how to cope with it by meditation and learning to Suppress it. That helped for a while, but weeks later I heard the ringing got louder at night and I was losing my mind. Came across a Reddit post about vitamin B12 and D That honestly brought it down soooo much I am very happy to say I can sleep at night now without any white noise.
I like to think there’s a lot of factors into this successful story. I also been doing a calorie deficit and also my sugar intake is zero. I dropped the sugar overall and that has helped me as well. I do believe sugar has a huge factor into the T. Also I have been trying strength training along with my calorie deficit and dropping some fat has made my sleep a lot better which I honestly believe sounds weird but maybe it’s just me. But I’m here just telling you what I have been doing along with the vitamins I’m taking. Please drink a lot of water stay hydrated.