Time Travel Possible With Unlimited Computational Power?

We know atoms are the building blocks of the universe, yes? We also have a very limited understanding of the forces that influence them.

What is there was an omnipotent computer or algorithm that knew all matter and all includes on matter. In a sense it could predict how all life would unfold. We think we make decisions but are we not following instincts and reactions to stimulus based on chemical reactions and visual perception etc. If you could map every and predict every force on the basic building blocks of existence, essentially cutting through chaos theory, you could predict everything that ever was or would ever be.

Think noone saw you smoke that cigarette behind a shed in 1986 because you were 14, too bad, in a few hundred million years this ultra computer would know and display that, because every decision step and thought you would ever have was predetermined based on measuring all faucets that would lead to it.

Just a thought while I sit here waiting for this game to install.