TIFU by letting my friend drink my mom's coke

So, about ten years ago, my mom died unexpectedly. I'm not sure if this was a thing everywhere, but at that time in the US, Coke Cola was running this 'Share a Coke' ad campaign. Basically, they printed a bunch of labels on their bottles that said 'Share a Coke with *Person's Name*'. People got really into finding a bottle with their name on it. Anyway, the day after she passed, I happened to come across a bottle with my mom's name on it. Her name isn't that common, so I took as one of those 'she'll always be with you' kind of moments. I bought the bottle and stuck it in my fridge because....idk that's where you put Coke? I don't like Coke so there wasn't any risk of me accidentally drinking it.

Fast forward to last weekend, that Coke bottle has known been my fridge for over ten years (well, three different fridge since it's survived two moves). I had an old college friend who was coming to visit me for a couple of days. Since his flight got delayed, I ran to the store to pick up some stuff for him. He likes Coke, so one of the things I grab is a six pack of Coke which I stick in the fridge.

Since I'm not consciously thinking about my Mom's weird memorial death coke on a daily basis, I don't mention to him when I tell him 'there's Coke in the fridge'. Ten minutes later, we're talking in the living room together as he drinks his Coke. While we're talking, I happen to notice my mom's name on the side of the bottle and gasp. Then, out of shock, I start laughing hysterically. It takes me a solid five minutes to explain to him what happened through my laughter. My friend comes to the slow realization of why his Coke tasted so flat and is understandably horrified.

Feeling guilty, I suggest he finish the Coke and I could just keep the empty bottle. He was even more horrified by this idea, so we eventually decide to just dump the rest of the Coke down the drain. I'm still keeping empty bottle and my friend is now laughing with me about the whole thing. I get the sense that he'll probably get a hotel if he's in town again though.

TL;DR: I accidentally forgot this weird memorial coke I got to honor my mother was in the fridge and my friend accidentally drank it.