TIFU by taking laxatives before taking a spinning (indoor cycling) class

So for context, I work in finance and it’s quite toxic. To de-stress, I typically take indoor cycling classes as a way to burn all that toxic energy out of my life. I love it, and I find that it’s a great way to get grounded. It’s also good exercise, since you burn around 700 calories in one workout.

Anyway, it’s been a pretty busy set of days with lots of client dinners. I ended up just eating a lot and getting constipated (important for the story). To fix that, I ended up taking laxatives the evening before. These are generally quite powerful, but they kick in around 6am if I take them by 9pm. Unfortunately, it was quite late by the time I got home, and I forgot to account for this.

The next morning, I woke up and completely forgot i took laxatives. I ended up booking a spinning class at 9am, since it was a slow morning. I took a brief shit before leaving (as is my habit), then headed out to the class.

Now, if you have never been to a spin class, you should know that it’s intense as fuck. It feels like being in a rave but you’re pushing yourself as hard as you can. Inconvenient if you feel like you need to take a massive shit.

Throughout the class, I was wondering my my stomach was cramping up. It was only towards the end that I remembered I actually took laxatives. At that moment, I suddenly needed to take a MASSIVE dump.

I tried holding it in, but it was all in vain. Try as I might, it just won’t go away. As soon as the doors opened, I rushed to the bathroom and unloaded everything I was keeping in for the past 3 days. It was horrible and wonderful at the same time.

I guess this is quite disappointing for a lot of you (since you’re expecting me to shit my pants), but I’m glad it turned out well for me.

TL/DR: I took laxatives and ended up almost shitting myself during spin class.